Our Story
It All Began with a calling
Potter’s House Church of Sturgis began when a man named Brian Bowen felt the call of God on his life to start a church in Sturgis Michigan. This call was so strong that it would wake him up in the middle of the night and he would drive to Sturgis just to talk to God.
2003 - The first service is held
Eventually, with the blessing of his Pastor, Potter’s House Church of Sturgis was founded by Pastor Brian M. Bowen and his family on January 12, 2003 as a daughter work of The Potter’s House Church in Battle Creek Michigan. The first service would be held at the Grange Hall located on Fawn River Rd. The second service was in a banquet room, located at the Sturgis Inn which would be our home for the next. year; and then in August of 2003 PHC would become a Home Missions church with the United Pentecostal. Church International. During this time, we experienced many special moments, people were receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, being baptized in Jesus Name, and lives were being changed as we continued to reach out to people in the community.
In April of 2004, by the grace of God, we were able to purchase a building of our own (green building on right side of picture.) This building was located downtown near the main intersection of the city. The efforts of many helping hands turned this former bank into a beautiful place of our own where we could worship the Lord. On May 25, 2004 Potter’s House Church of Sturgis became its own entity. We were hungry for God to grow His church, in October 2004 following a month of prayer and fasting, we began to witness God adding to His glorious church in a mighty way. We continued to trust in the Lord, praying and fasting, preaching His Word, sharing the Good New supporting the efforts of Foreign Missionaries, and within a year God had filled this storefront church.
On November 5, 2005 God blessed us with a beautiful church building, located in the heart of the city that we are sitting in today.
On January 3, 2007 it seemed that our miracle was taken from us. We received an early morning phone call informing us that our church had just been destroyed by fire.
For the next 6 months, we would worship God in a temporary home while our building was being reconstructed. Service would resume in our new building on July 1, 2007. -
2007-2015 Return to church
As we persevered through trial and tribulation God continued to strengthen His church bringing new people that would go on to be baptized in Jesus Name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
In March of 2015, we experienced our second church fire. Having been through this before we trusted that God had something greater in store. As our church was being remodeled for the second time, we resided in a new temporary building and returned November 22, 2015. This was another huge blessing from God. The building we reside in today is worth much more than what we purchased it for in the beginning.
2015 - Present
Today, God continues to use his church for his kingdom; supporting over:
* 58 global missionaries
* 9 Metro missionaries
* 2 Multi-Cultural missionaries
* 12 Home missionaries. We are also one of the top giving churches for Home Missions, Global Missions, Move the Mission, Men’s & Ladies Ministry, and Children’s Ministry.
We look forward to, in good faith, for what God has in store for this church. We believe more than ever that our greatest days are still ahead of us. -
Our Future
In February of 2023, Potter’s House Church purchased 5 acres of land near the toll road I-90. We believe this to be the future home of our Church Family. If you want to learn more about this project, you can visit our page here